The Joy of Burnout

It's World Mental Health day on 10th October, and so I wanted to talk about burnout - an increasingly common experience in today’s fast-paced world.  If you’ve been feeling exhausted, hollow, cynical, or just not yourself, you might be facing burnout. These feelings aren’t just about physical tiredness; they can affect your sense of purpose, your relationships, and even your health.   

We often think that burnout is caused by excessive demand, too much work, not enough time, too much going on.   Whilst this can certainly play a significant role, burnout is often accompanied by a ‘moral injury’, where your core values are violated or ignored, either by external demands or your own expectations.  You may feel trapped in a job, relationship, or cause that once gave you purpose but now only drains you.   

Ignoring these feelings can lead to further harm, but by listening to them, we can unlock a profound opportunity for change. 

When I hit the wall of burnout, I found Dina Glouberman’s book ‘The Joy of  Burnout’ to be really helpful.   I highly recommend you take a look at this article she has written on this: or the book  

But in a nutshell, she’s saying burnout can feel like the end of the road—exhaustion, cynicism, feeling trapped. But what if it's actually the beginning of a whole new life? 

Burnout happens when you keep pushing forward even after the meaning is gone from what you're doing.  You once gave your all with ease, but now you're drained, like a car running on empty. The truth is, burnout is your soul’s way of telling you it’s time for a change—a radical turning point toward healing and a more joyful, meaningful life. 

If any of this resonates with you, the message of the book—and mine—is that it’s not too late to start listening to the deeper, more authentic part of you that may already be whispering. It’s never too late to begin turning things around. If you’d like support on this journey, contact me to find out how I can help.